Let all my Indriyas be ever engaged in Thy sweet service. Wipe out the sexual Samskaras and Vasanas. Annihilate lust from my mind. Make me a true Brahmachari, Sadachari and an Urdhvareta Yogi. Let me be chaste in my look. Let me always walk in the path of righteousness. Make me as pure as Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda, Bhishma Pitamaha, Hanuman or Lakshmana. Forgive. Forgive all my Aparadham. I amThine. I am Thine. Trahi Trahi (protect protect). Prachodayat Prachodayat (guide me). OM OM OM.
Enlighten my Buddhi.”

Prescriptions for Celibacy
1. Sirshasana 5 minutes
Sarvangasana 10 minutes
Fasts On Ekadasi days or on alternative Sundays. Japa one hour
Study of the Gita one hour
Meditation -half an hour
2. Siddhasana -45 minutes
Pranayama -half an hour
Milk and fruits -at night
Uddiyana Bandha -morning and evening
Keep the mind fully occupied by: Reading, gardening and Kirtan.
3. Kirtan -half an hour
Prayer -half an hour
Satsanga one hour
Triphala water -in the morning
Atma Vichara, Meditation -15 minutes
4. Trataka (gazing) on OM or Lord Krishna 10 minutes
Maha Mantra Bhajan -half an hour
Krishna Mantra Japa -half an hour
Badam and Misre -(in the early morning).
Huxley’s Nervigor Syrup with formates one tea-spoonful with four tea-spoonful of water
twice daily after food.
(You can combine all the above items to your best advantage)
From - yoga in daily life
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